lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2011

Nunca se alcanza la felicidad a través de la auto-complacencia, solo con generosidad sincera.
Cambio es Ley de vida. Aquellos que no tengan la suficiente humildad para adaptarse y cambiar ya, simplemente están muertos.
You will never be too old to dream a dream.

domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

Open Letter to Mom

I was thinking... In fact I’ve had lot of time to reflect...
Lately I’ve been missing you every single day…                   
and I just wanted you to know what I saw:                                      

You were there when I took my first steps,
And went unsteadily across the floor.
You pushed and prodded: encouraged and guided,
Until my steps took me out the door...

You worried “is he ok?"
Is there more you could have done?
As I walk the paths of my unknown
you wondered "where has my child gone?"

Where I am is where you have led me,
with your special love you showed me the way,

to believe in myself and the decisions I make,                      
and to give me freedom enough…
Taking on the challenge of life day-to-day

And where I go you can be sure,
in spirit you shall never be alone.
For where you are is what matters most to me,

because to me that will always be home...

As I look back on my life
I find myself wondering.....
Did I remember to thank you
for all that you have done for me?

For all of the times you were by my side
caring me when I was sick,
to cheer me when I was down,
to help me celebrate my successes

and accept my defeats?
Or for instilling me the value of hard work,
good judgement, courage, honesty, and love?

The values you've taught, the care you've given,
and the wonderful love you've shown,
have enriched my life in more ways                                        

than you can imagine, and I can count.

I wonder if I've ever thanked you for the simple things...
The laughter, smiles, and quiet times, we’ve shared?                                      

The tears, discussions, and bad times, we’ve shared?

If I have forgotten to express my gratitude
For any of these things,
I am thanking you now....
and I am hoping that you've known all along,
how very much you are loved and appreciated.

Mather, for all these years                                         
I’m sure you’ve had a heart                                                
full of worries and fears but                                               
also full of hopes and dreams                                             
and special longings of your own.

That takes a lot of love, mom 
I understand that now
and I hope you realize                                                      
how much I missed you…                                                      
How much I thank you….                                                       
How much I love you….                                                        
And how much I wish you happiness!!

viernes, 15 de julio de 2011

Vienes, te acercas…

Yo inmóvil, quieto.

Me rozas…

Casi me tocas.

Dios mío,

qué será el Cielo?

Te intuyo,

te siento,

te sueño.

No estás aquí…

Y me muero.

jueves, 9 de junio de 2011

Si te echan alcohol en la herida y escuece es que va bien. Lo mismo ocurre con las críticas sobre uno, si escuecen es que van bien...
"Its nothing personal is just business" ~Donald Trump . "This is a purely personal, and it is out of love" ~Juan Algar
"If you don't want anyone to know don't do it" ~Chinese Proverb. "If you want to really know someone, do it" ~Juan Algar

lunes, 25 de abril de 2011

Las cuestiones de corazón son terribles, las de cabeza horribles.
Procura no discutir y si discutes procura que la ultima palabra la diga el otro. Te sentirás mejor.

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Audacia y coraje: express yourself!

A veces leemos o escuchamos a gente que nos sorprende por su inteligencia y clarividencia, y pensamos cómo nos gustaría saber hablar o escribir de esa manera.... En la mayoría de las ocasiones no se trata de gente más inteligente o con más visión que nosotros, tan sólo con el coraje y la audacia suficientes para expresar aquello que la mayoría nos callamos por vergüenza al qué dirán.

jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

La alegría de poder volver a levantarse

Mi padre decía que lo importante si caes es levantarse, siempre levantarse. Yo añado que, además de levantarse, lo importante es cómo nos levantamos. Hay que hacerlo con alegría, con la alegría de la esperanza, contentos de tener una nueva oportunidad para hacerlo mejor.

No te preocupes

Es bien sabido que después de la noche viene el día, lo que no es tan sabido es que la luz brilla e ilumina más en la oscuridad que durante el día. Es la llama de la Esperanza...

domingo, 3 de abril de 2011

Amistad es alegrarse por los triunfos del amigo sin envidia, y compartir su tristeza y su sufrimiento como propios.

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

No desesperes: Siempre hay nuevas rutas, nuevas gentes, y nuevos yos. Ante problemas sin solución, revisa tu espíritu explorador.
Un fracaso no es el final de nada, de hecho es el comienzo de una nueva aventura.
Me encantan los lunes, como los cuadernos nuevos a estrenar en la escuela, una nueva oportunidad para hacer bien los deberes!

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011

Please try it

Your action for today is to make an anonymous donation or do something nice for someone without them finding out you did it.  Please try it.

Just try it, its a good business

"The more you think about your own self, the more trouble small problems can create in your mind. Then that small obstacles become unbearable. On the other hand, if you concern yourself mainly with others, the broader your thinking becomes, and life’s inevitable difficulties disturb you less" ~Dalai Lama.

My personal suggest: Just try it, its a good business: You cannot lose anything but you can earn a lot.

martes, 1 de marzo de 2011

sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011

Las decisiones más importantes nunca se razonan demasiado, porque siempre existen razones para no tomarlas.
No esperes nunca que tus dudas las solucionen otros. Sólo tú debes escoger el camino a seguir en cada encrucijada.
Es imposible limpiar bien unos zapatos sin mancharte las manos.
On the faith and patience: Your efforts may be fail but never fail to make an effort.
On the power of information and marketing: Don't try to sell a steak to a vegetarian.
If you approach new life situations with a positive attitude and give them your best, you will always come out ahead.
You will get anything you want in life if you help enough other people to get what they need.
El verdadero valor de las cosas lo determina el tiempo.
El precio es algo mundano, calculable, y destruible, mientras que el valor es espiritual, incalculable, e indestructible.
Fear is the worst form of slavery. If you wanna be free don´t get stooked.
Try and try again, and then…. continue trying.
The pursuit of perfection demoralizes us. However, the pursuit of excellence motivates us.

sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

Depression is not a sign of weakness, and its not a shameless

Depression is not a sign of weakness, it is a sign that you have been trying to be strong for too long. Depression is characteristic of people advanced and nothing common, non-conformist and restless, and that is questioned continuously, people of personal success and bright moments. People who know both the highest peak as the valleys deeper.... 1 in 3 of us will suffer at some point. Depression is not shameless at all. Show it and talk about with no shame by removing the stigma.