miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

The next time

THE NEXT TIME someone upsets me, I´ll think
"Thanks for pointing out that I´ve begun depending on you.
Time I lose the expectations"

Is rude and shout to me, I´ll think
"Cheer up, dear soul, it shall be ok"
Next time someone distorts my views, I´ll think
"That´s okay, maybe I was once like that"

Or lies about me, I´ll think
"I´m so sorry you feel that need"

Prejudges me, I´ll think
"Thanks to show you and share your views, perhaps it´s the other side, perhaps it´s your truth"

Violates my space and privacy ...
"This is good for my growth, my goodness, and generosity"

So whosever may torment me,
harass me, confound me, or upset me, becomes a teacher.
Not because they´re wise, but because I seek to become so.

And the next time someone greets me with a timid smile,
I will smile back like I´m sharing a secret...

martes, 28 de abril de 2009

Can you keep a secret?

You know the space between you and all the things, the void.
Like right now, the space between you and this letter.

That´s where I hide, behind this words... Looking to see what your expectations are: of abundance, health, and happiness for yourself, your parents, your loved ones!

And from this space... as I can hear your thoughts, see your worries, and feel your beats, no matter where we are, no matter the real distance between us... I manifest the next moment in time.

So dear, if you reach out now, into this space, you will also feel me.
I am now here, and I will forever. No matter what you think, It´s simply true.

And you´re never be alone! Angels insist...

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

We Light de Candle

"Hope is the pillar that holds up the world. Hope is the dream of a waking man. "~Elder

"If you lose hope, somehow you lose the vitality that keeps life moving, you lose that courage to be, that quality that helps you go on in spite of it all. And so today I still have a dream."~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Hope is more than just a belief; it is a way of living. Hope brings to life many other Gifts, such as Trust, Fortitude, Compassion, Patience and Kindness. To accept Hope as a true reality in our lives is to believe in Life itself. It is to rely on the unconditional love that binds all living beings throughout the universe. Ultimately, it is to practice the Law of One. Make it a point to engender Hope in your life and the lives of those you come in contact with.

domingo, 26 de abril de 2009

Do you know why...

DO YOU KNOW WHY you are you?
Because no one else could be.

Can you imagine having made a difference in so many lives that people everywhere recognizes you through your acts?

Can you imagine truly leaving the world a better place than you found it?

Can you imagine that all the angels might know your name?

It´s done. They do. And now, what are you gonna do next?

PS. And you are so so young...!!

sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

Your Wishes...

are what the Universe wishes for you.

Your thoughts steer the ship of your Dreams.
And no matter where you´ve been,
or how challenging your circumstances,
right here and now is all that matters!

You really are forever. Invencible.
A brilliant Being of Light on an Adventure of the highest order:
to have fun and be happy in a magical, infinite, loving reality that conspires tirelessly in your favor;
where thoughts become things, Dreams come true, and all things reamin forever possible!

Because you -yes you, believe it or not- are the one who was sent to make the difference, to be a bridge, to light the way, by living the truths that have been revealed to you, so that others might do the same.

Now do you know why you´ve always seen the world so much more clearly than others?

To help. Just to help.

Open Letter to a Terrorist

Can you remember being a child of innocence?
Do you recall having dreams for yourself?
Can you remember loving your parents, your siblings, your grandparents, your friends......
Do you recall the first time you felt your God within you?
Can you still truly feel Him?
He is not within you if all you can feel is anger and hate.
What is within you is anger and hate, and those alone.
How is it that you can believe now that senseless violence and killing will guide and deliver you to a place of peace... in any realm?
If this earthly world is obliterated, along with you and all the innocents who did not have a chance to live their lives toward grace, how will that grant you the gifts you seem to fully expect?Your True God does not ask this of you.
If you reach deep within and listen closely, you will find what He has always asked of you...
Only you truly know what that is, but we all know what that is not, if not in our present minds, at least, deep inside the hearts of our souls.
Hate is what it is not.Hate may fill you with false strength and courage, but it will never, ever lead you on a path to peace.
Murder and suicide, no matter what ideology in which you may wrap them, are the work of evil, and no more.
As mere children, we know these things to be true and are profoundly affected by events in our lives which mirror these truths.
Do you not ever feel true and wondrous joy in anything but killing or dying?
Do you not ever feel even a hint of compassion for your fellow men and women on this great Earth?
Does nothing penetrate the armour of loathing and lust for death you wear heavily upon your human form?
Have you felt love recently?
True, real, soulful love - the kind that touches gently the softest parts of your heart and makes you want to live just to love?
Does love even exist within the days of your world?
Hateful love, or the love of hating, does not count.
It is empty and soulless, bringing only sadness and fear, and as always follows closely behind, more hate.
Hate empties us.
It does not fill us.
Only love fills us.
Only love.
I want to understand what you are fighting for.
If you and all of your fellow fighters will die in this war and go on to a nirvana I do not understand, then who will actually be left behind to enjoy the spoils?
Your family and former friends?
The very same people who will be mourning you and losing their joy in life because they lost you and now have to deal with the things you have done to them and to the rest of the world?
Or will you take them, and all of us, with you?
Life is a gift not lightly given back.And joy is not to be found in taking it from others; only pain will be found in the end.
Please think hard about what you are doing: to the world, to your family, to those others who love you, and to yourself...
Will your God really love and welcome you for these deeds?
Will your loved ones be able to forgive you and themselves once these atrocities are all perpetrated?
When residing in your nirvana, will your soul be able to forgive you for what you have done?
Will your God?
How will peace ever be derived from violence???
Mere Earthly history alone has shown that this cannot be done.
Residing with evil in any realm brings only pain, and regret travels easily with us wherever we go.
If you have ever felt any guilt or pain or regret and wondered if evil has touched you with its cold, scaly hands, please step back for a moment within your soul and try to see the larger picture of your actions upon all of us who are merely trying to live our own lives just as you once were... before you were taught to hate so fully and completely...
The rest of the entire world is not evil.
We are all just people, like you, trying to figure out why we are here and what our purpose in life is to be...
We are trying every day not to lose our minds attempting to understand the complexities - the sadnesses, the losses, and the reasons for them, along with the joys and the simple pleasures afforded if we are paying attention - of this life we have been given.
We are simply human beings, being human beings, doing what human beings do: groping our way through days of challenges and joys, ebbs and flows, loves and losses, laughs and tears.
We just want to live.
Didn’t you, once?

-the rest of the world
by C.A. Laverty

lunes, 20 de abril de 2009

Together we Laugh

"A day without laughter is a day wasted."~Charlie Chaplin
"Laughter is the tonic, the relief, the surcease for pain."~Charlie Chaplin

Few things are as easy to share as laughter. Laughter is a universal language. When it is born of joy, laughter spreads from soul to soul, skipping over the differences between individuals. Laughter is trans-cultural because it brings us in touch with our most basic common denominator: we are one Humanity. Make a point today to share the joy of laughter with those you meet.

domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

Do you have any idea...

Of how powerful you realy are?
Do you have any idea
of how far your thoughts reach?
Do you have any idea
of how many lives you´ve already touched?
Do you have any idea
of how much you´ve already accomplished?
Do you?

No matter what your faith is, or is not

No matter if you believe it or not. No matter where in the world you are. I want you to know, I´ll always be with you. In your last pray of day, and with your first smile in the morning.

Behind the eyes of every child, and in the melody of evey song, I´ll be the glimmer of the ice crystals, the rays in every sun raise, and the stars in all your nights.

And with each smile you see, every hug and kiss you receive these days, and every laugh you hear, I´ll be there reaching out through another, with blessings and tidings to last you the day,
because you and I are the same soul, same divinity, I love you. I´ve always loved you, and I always will. And no matter what your faith is, or is not, because this has been true, and will be true, every day of your life.

Blessings to you and to your family, to every single moment you joy with them, and to every single wonderful, radiant Being in your simmering, enlightened sphere.

-Remember this, and be sure to look for me all day long

lunes, 13 de abril de 2009

It all goes by so fast

IT ALL GOES BY SO FAST, doesn´t it?

So really, you´ve got nothing to lose, have you?
Nothing! You´re gonna make it "home" anyway.
You´ve gonna be exalted, and it´s gonna be
so glorious, happy, and easy.

Then, after a careful adventure review, you´re gonna slap
your hand on your celestial forehead,
jump up and down with uproarious laughter, and say...

"Dang, my thouhgts really did become the things and events of my life...
That little foolish soul was right. And as exalted as I am here,
I was there. And as easy as it is here, so could it have been there!
Oh I wanna play again, yes I wanna go back. This time I promise not to forget.
I promise I´ll believe in my dreams and myself. I´ll never let go.
I´ll never give up. I´ll keep the faith! Really I will"

There are a million reasons

why any dream might be considered irrational,
unreasonable, and a silly waste of time.

On the other hand, I can think of one that
blows them all out of the water...

The True Peace

"The True Peace:
The first peace, which is the most important,
is that which comes within the souls of people when they realize their relationship,
their oneness, with the universe and all its powers,
and when they realize that at the center
of the Universe dwells Wakan-Taka (the Great Spirit),
and that this center is really everywhere, it is within each of us.
This is the real peace, and the others are but reflections of this.
The second peace is that which is made between two individuals,
and the third is that which is made between two nations.
But above all you should understand that there can never
be peace between nations until there is known that true peace,
which, as I have often said, is within the souls of men"
Black Elk, Oglala Sioux & Spiritual Leader (1863-1950)

viernes, 10 de abril de 2009

Sobre la dispersión y la falta de concentración. Confianza.

Hay días que parece como si hubieras encontrado el camino, en los que de pronto sabes lo que tienes que hacer y ya no hay dudas, los nubarrones pasan, el cielo se abre y la luz se te aparece mostrándote el camino con total claridad.

Son esos días en los que te despiertas muy temprano, cuando todavía la noche se resiste a ser día, y te levantas impulsado por una extraña fuerza, con esa confianza que te da la convicción y el saber. Días como hoy en los que, a pesar de haber trabajado hasta la madrugada, no importa haber dormido a penas tres o cuatro horas. Te levantas y empiezas a escribir.

Te levantas y comienzas una nueva etapa de tu particular "tour". Atrás quedan esas terribles etapas de montaña, ascensos a puertos de dudas e indecisión, jornadas de profundo cansancio y desgaste por falta de claridad. Pero hoy toca escapada, hoy aprovechamos la luz que nos brinda el sol, y hoy te das cuenta más que nunca de lo importante que es haber sido "pelotón" durante tantos días.

A esos previos de duda y de incertidumbre muchos lo llaman dispersión, y a tí te llaman a que te centres, y te reclaman concentración. Pero no es ni confusión ni dispersión ni falta de capacidad para centrarse. Es la crisis del emprendedor, es el abismo del pensador, es la metamorfosis de la larva, es simplemente la catarsis del creador... tan necesarios como los cimientos para un buen edificio!!

Así que, desde mi retiro de Villaviciosa de Odón, mi recomendación de hoy es que si tenéis dudas, no os inquietéis, porque es bueno. Y a los cantos de sirena, ni caso.

Y con la tranquilidad de este pensamiento, mientras la familia todavía duerme, me voy silbando a ver si algún bendito me sirve un buen café, que por ser hoy viernes Santo no lo tengo del todo claro. Y no es que sea dispersión, es la duda natural de un día cualquiera de Semana Santa.

Together we sing

"There is no more sure tie between friends than when they are united in their objects and wishes."~ Cicero

"When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion."~ Ethiopian proverb

Each of us is an individual note in the music of humanity. When each note is played simply for its own personal reason, the overall sound is one of discord. When we espouse a cooperative attitude, we naturally gravitate to thinking in terms of "us" versus "me". Cooperation is the act of working together in harmony. Think of the music we could create if mankind sang together in brotherhood.

Together we touch, taste, hear, see and smell

"Nothing can cure the soul but the senses, just as nothing can cure the senses but the soul" ~ Oscar Wilde

"Habit is the sixth sense that overrules the other five." ~ Arab Proverb

Many believe that spirituality and sensuality should to be isolated from each other and that we must detach from our bodies in order to grow internally, but a truly sensual attitude brings one into harmony with the ebb and flow of nature. When we fully utilize our five senses we are able to integrate more completely with our environment and truly savor the incredible wonder and complexity of life. Applying mindfullness to our sensual nature leads to the physical awareness of our energetic connection with all.