sábado, 25 de abril de 2009

Your Wishes...

are what the Universe wishes for you.

Your thoughts steer the ship of your Dreams.
And no matter where you´ve been,
or how challenging your circumstances,
right here and now is all that matters!

You really are forever. Invencible.
A brilliant Being of Light on an Adventure of the highest order:
to have fun and be happy in a magical, infinite, loving reality that conspires tirelessly in your favor;
where thoughts become things, Dreams come true, and all things reamin forever possible!

Because you -yes you, believe it or not- are the one who was sent to make the difference, to be a bridge, to light the way, by living the truths that have been revealed to you, so that others might do the same.

Now do you know why you´ve always seen the world so much more clearly than others?

To help. Just to help.